Planning a Wedding When Your Spouse Is in the Military

There will come a time when during the course of your relationship when you and your partner will want to cement your bond through marriage. Whether you’re an active-duty service member or in a relationship with someone who is, planning the logistics of this union can be tricky. The military can offer a degree of uncertainty when determining a stable location for your wedding.
With deployment also throwing plans in the air, you may ponder on the ideal moment to plan a wedding. Here’s what to consider when planning a wedding when your spouse is in the military.
Discuss Preferences
Like most relationships and wedding ceremonies, these elements of a military wedding thrive on the basis of compromise! It helps to have an open and honest conversation about your expectations for the wedding.
Express your likes and dislikes with your partner so that you can make final decisions in the event of their absence. There are plenty of aspects to consider, such as the menu, beverage selections, and whether you prefer an indoor or outdoor reception.
Talk to a Planner
Who says you have to plan your wedding on your own? By reaching out to a planner, you’ll have access to a professional who you can refer to during the process when you can’t reach your partner.
It would be wise to hire an expert before your partner deploys to determine a point of contact who can smooth over obstacles and relieve stress.
Consider Your Options
There may be a moment when couples will engage in a long-distance relationship due to certain circumstances like a deployment or other responsibility in the field. If the bond is strong, and the time is right, consider organizing a proxy wedding to accommodate your scenario.
Proxy weddings typically allow couples to get married without one or both parties being present. With this option, you won’t have to worry about traveling long distances or inconveniencing your partner while they’re away.
Include Traditions
Would it be a military wedding without the accompanying traditions? As a fantastic way to honor your partner’s service, consider incorporating some customs into the celebration, such as a saber arch or having military guests wear their uniforms. These practices can make for appealing photo ops!
While planning a wedding when your spouse is in the military can have its stressful moments, they’re overshadowed by the joy that comes with making your bond official. By incorporating some of these tips into your process, you can mitigate stress and make your life easier.